

Martial Arts Alliance / Martial Arts Australia

We are facing a global crisis that is affecting everyone not just our industry. For many of us we have been able to control our environment, whether it being our business, social life and family activities and now we can’t.

In the past you may have felt like your control was a right because you created, but now it no doubt feels more like it was a privilege. I think more people will be grateful for what they had and what they still have if they adopt the right mindset.

In the midst of all of this, we have heard of many people who are making the best of a very bad situation. Some martial arts clubs are closing their doors in accordance with the Government mandate of no indoor sports operating.





# We have negotiated some relief and flexibility with insurance policies 
# We are assisting instructors to manage online classes - see 

# We are offering ways club owners can reduce their costs on managing their business - see LINK HERE
# We are on the look out to identify where the government is offerring financial support for businesses
# We are helping create 
Martial Arts Essential Service special case to government to consider.

We all know the value of martial arts in its way to maintain mental health in a world of fear and the unknown. Martial arts instils confidence in people giving them the ability to control fear and other negative emotions especially when there is more chance of physical confrontations.

We will be pushing for full-time schools to be allowed to open as an essential services when the timing is right as a higher priority than gyms.

Club Closed – Open For Business
Many schools have simply moved classes online and also offered outdoor training that allows students to continue paying full or half fees. If you are not sure how to do this effectively we can help you and suggest using ‘Zoom’ video conferencing software (free or paid version) we also have a booking / member management software to help facilitate that (free version also available).

Before you think it's all a bit too hard, we ask you to consider "Why are some seeing this as an opportunity and how are they actually signing up new members when I'm receiving requests to suspend/cancel?"

We have assisted instructors to have the insurance cover include school members so you have peace of mind. Remember there things you need to get in place before you simply launch a virtual classroom.

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